
Showing posts with the label SocialEngine Managed

Exciting News: SocialEngine 7.1.0 Is Now Released | Celebrate with 20% off!

  SocialEngine 7.1.0  has been released! This new version includes many new features, improvements, and bug fixes. Some of the new features include a cryptocurrency payment gateway plugin, a wallet recharge option for admins, and the ability for users to edit their location on their general settings page. There have also been many improvements made, such as adding attachment options outside the status post box and making forum photos open in a popup when clicked. Additionally, many bugs have been fixed, including issues with MySQL compatibility, transaction history menus, and activity feeds. Overall,  SocialEngine 7.1.0  is a major update that includes many new features and improvements. If you are a  SocialEngine  user, upgrading to this new version is highly recommended. Here are some of the key points from the blog post: SocialEngine 7.1.0 has been released. This new version includes many new features, improvements, and bug fixes. Some of the new feature...

Exciting Announcement: SocialEngine Self-Hosted 6.7.0 Has Released !!

SocialEngine is excited to announce the release of SocialEngine Self-Hosted 6.7.0! This update brings a variety of improvements to your social networking software, including: New Feature: Login with Telegram for added convenience. Improvements: Many adjustments are based on user feedback, like making admin login easier on the upcoming page. Bug Fixes: Resolved several issues, including signup problems and missing images. Special Upgrade Offer! SocialEngine is offering a 20% discount on all their products to celebrate the launch! Use code: SEUpgrade6.7 at checkout (valid until September 22nd, 2024). Ready to Upgrade? Try the demo: Demo: Admin Demo: Demo Login Details: / SEDemo123! See the full changelog for details. Existing v6 users can download 6.7.0 from their client dashboard. Need Help Upgrading?   Backup your files and database before upgrading. Follow the installation tutorial for...